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SkinCeuticals SkinLab Scottsdale proudly offers microneedling + radiofrequency treatments through the Vivace UltraTM experience. Layer by layer we can help you discover your beauty that lies just beyond the surface virtually pain free with no surgery, little downtime for all skin types. The Vivace Experience® treatment is an FDA-cleared, minimally-invasive treatment which is clinically proven to stimulate the natural production of collagen, alleviating facial wrinkles and fine lines, along with tightening and toning the face and neck. The Vivace Experience® can also be used to treat the  decollete, hands, knees and scars on the body.

Compared to other similar treatments on the market, The Vivace Experience® provides the most dramatic results with minimal downtime.  Patients who receive The Vivace Experience® in our state-of-the-art Scottsdale medspa will be able to see immediate results in only a week after treatment which can also continue to improve over time with multiple treatments. The Vivace Experience® is designed for an incomparable and comfortable patient experience, delivering results that will have you looking and feeling your best at any age.

Patient 1

eye before after

Patient 2

eye before after

Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone is different, but the collagen you make is your own and continues to accelerate production over three months. Results will compound with every treatment and improve over time.

Most skin colors can be treated, including tanned and dark skin. It is recommended that you consult with our provider to determine if you are a candidate.

Follow the recommended recovery protocol from your provider, once you get home. It is recommended to stay out of the sun and that you follow a skincare regimen in between treatment to optimize your results.

Most patients go out within hours after their treatment with no makeup at all. TO maximize the combination of open channels, we recommend not wearing any makeup for at least 6 hours post treatment.

Most patients will need 3-4 treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. While the results are often immediate for skin tone and texture improvement, there is continued improvement over a three-month period as the process of collagen regeneration increase over time.

Radiofrequency provides heat that stimulates collagen production which has been found to lead to tighter, younger-looking skin. Combined with state-of-the-art microneedling, patients experience optimal results.

It’s pretty quick! For a full face, a typical treatment is just 45 minutes, however, we ask that you come in 45 minutes prior to your treatment to numb for the treatment.

Radiofrequency provides heat that stimulates collagen production which has been found to lead to tighter, younger-looking skin. Combined with state-of-the-art microneedling, patients experience optimal results.

We recommend booking a consult with our provider, prior to booking an appointment for the treatment to determine if it is right for you.

Our SkinLab Santa Monica team will numb your face with a compounded topical numbing agent prior to your treatment. Once the skin is numb, most patients report feeling virtually nothing.